Howto fix per game settings database is not being saved properly

In some instances the PS1Digital cannot save it's per game setting database due to an out of memory error. In order to fix this, do the following:

  1. Update your PS1Digital firmware to a version >= v1.5.7

  2. Your per game settings database needs to be converted. There are two ways to achieve this:

    • Option A:

      Delete your per game settings database. All settings will be lost

      On the web console use the command deletepgs to delete the database. After a reset command the database will be re-created with the correct settings.

    • Option B:

      Convert your per game settings database using xhdmi-tools (version >= 1.8.0)

      First download your database: xhdmi-tools config db download DIRECTORY

      Then upload the database again: xhdmi-tools config db upload DIRECTORY

      xhdmi-tools will automatically convert the database to the proper format.